I had always wanted to return to Africa, and in 2003 I got that opportunity. I was hired to do a teaching tour providing the equivalent of teachers? conventions for teachers in the Association of International Schools of Africa (AISA). We visited five African countries including Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa. I thank Miffie Greer for this incredible opportunity.
Zambia student
Teaching faculty
Teaching staff and friends breakfasting on the Masa Mara
Pride of lions that Gary excited
Giraffes on the Mara
After seeing that many local African schools were still lacking the most basic resources, it seemed that many the next-to-new resources being discarded in Alberta schools could be repurposed. Small shipments were sent to Morocco, Uganda, Kenya and Ghana. All recipients were appreciative but it was the Ghanaian teachers who wrote several letters back asking for books. ?Please madam, can you send us more books, of any kind, but especially library books as our schools have none.? With that request the next phase of TFS-Africa began.
School supplies shipped back to the Mara